News Around The World, Science and Technology


Chandrayaan 3's remarkable success ushers in a new era of space exploration, propelling geopolitical influence and scientific discovery

News Around The World

Urban Public Transportation Slowly Descending Into A Monopoly

The urban public transport system is a neglected area. Despite advances in the transportation sector, governments have not upgraded urban transport systems and infrastructure. How is this affecting people? How has the neglect led to the creation of monopolies. Cover Pic: Island Press

News Around The World

Chinese Food Habits Putting The World at Risk

The food habits of China have been under the lens since the pandemic broke out. This is my take on how China has been the source of pandemics in the recent past. The wet markets and food habits paint a clearer picture of the how and why of the situation. Cover Pic Source: North East Now

News Around The World, People and Society

How Dare You?

Greta Thunberg, climate activist, in the last week gave an emotional speech 'How Dare You' pressurising world leaders and governments to do more against climate change. She has inspired students around the world to get their voice about their futures heard. But her message to PM Modi I felt was without knowledge of developments in India. This is my view on India's position and turning the question back on her. (Please do check out the tweet).